Wednesday, December 1, 2010


This month will fly by, but we still have some big things going on:

Literacy: We are working on lower case alphabet. I had my eyes opened when we tried to do a dot-to-dot! Most of the students couldn’t follow in ABC order! We are also looking for the beginning sound in words.

Math: patterns, AB, AAB, ABC, etc. we are learning the names of patterns and seeing how they grow. We are also working on counting to 50 and writing numbers to 10.

Writing: We are still practicing letter formation, and starting every letter AT THE TOP! We are also learning the 3 things good writers use: Uppercase at the beginning, spaces between the words, and punctuation at the end.

Social Studies: Christmas, family traditions.

Upcoming dates:

Dec. 8 Read-a-thon. Only the books with the purple schoolhouse stamp are allowed! Students can bring one small treat and a drink with their bag or box or books. Watch for more info next week.

Dec. 17 The last day of school before the Christmas break. Enjoy the holiday! School will resume on Jan. 3.

Other important info:

Each time your child reads 10 books send a note with their name on it. We are keeping track at school to help send books to needy children. Also, reading is part of homework. Students should be reading 15 minutes a day, four days a week. Make sure they start with the title of the book, and use their finger to point to every word. It is important for children to track while they are reading.

Sit with your child while they are doing homework. Watch how they hold a pencil, stabilize their paper, sit in a chair, and form each letter. Homework needs to be done in pencil.

Several students are missing library books. If you find one please send it back. Library is on Mondays and all books should be returned each week.

PE is on Thursdays. Students should be dressed in clothes and shoes appropriate for physical activity.

Very few students have returned the new sight word list ready to pass off the words. Please work on those nightly as part of reading homework. I am sending the next list. When your child can read the words without prompts, or mistakes send back the note that they are ready to pass off the list.

We are quite loaded with snacks! Thank you so much for your support. Please don’t send any more until I let you know if we need them!

We are still struggling with news. Please help your child be prepared for his/her news day. Children love the opportunity to ‘share’ and it is important for them to be able to stand in front of their peers and “present”.

Remember to send $1.50 for your child’s secret gift. If you are unable to send the money please let me know.

If your child is sick or going to be absent call the office (586-2840) and let them know. Also, as you can see we have entered the cold season! Students must wear a jacket or coat to school. I will not let them go outside without one.

We finally have our blog up and running! It is in the beginning skeleton stage, but you can check it out at

Finally, as I ponder this time of year and all the many blessings I have, I am so grateful to be able to come to school each day and interact with your children. I love them so much. I appreciate every one of you and the support you show to your children and me. I learn so much from them! They are so eager to learn and so fun to be around. Thank you for trusting me with your greatest treasures and for touching my life every day! Have a safe, Merry Christmas!!

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