Monday, February 4, 2013


We have a lot of things going on this month and a lot to learn about!  As we look ahead here is our schedule:

Reading: students should be working on sight word BONUS list 1. I won't send it home to practice until other lists are mastered as they are bonus words. We are also focusing on ending sounds in words and rhyming words.

Math: counting to 100! Adding sums to 12. Graphing and telling time to the hour. We are celebrating 100's day on Thursday, February 7.

Social Studies: we will finish bears and hibernation. Next we are talking about penguins, the globe, equator and hemispheres. We will also squeeze in the holidays for the month and learn about patriotic symbols.

Writing: remembering 3 things good writers use (uppercase, spaces, punctuation), practicing our best writing every time especially on our name. In Writer's workshop we are labeling pictures and adding words to tell a story.

Dibels test scores look really good overall.  We are finishing our Kindergarten assessment this week and both test scores will be sent home next week.

February calendar items:
2 Groundhog Day. (for homework  students were to look outside and see if the groundhog could see his shadow. Then record what they saw and return on Monday)
4 Dr. Albrecht's dentist office will come visit to teach us about dental health.
7 100's Day! Each student needs to bring 100 small items. We will count, sort, etc. that day. I would also like to have some parents supply donuts that day for our 'Zero the Hero' treats. I only need 2 or 3 from each class to bring 1 dozen then we should have plenty.  Students can wear pajamas that day.
14 Valentine's Day! We will have a class party. Students will have a homework assignment on Feb. 11 to address their valentines to classmates. As part of our party on Thursday they will read the name to pass out their valentines.
18 President's Day. We will not have school that day.
22 we are going to the Heritage Theater to see the Caribbean Band Orchestra.

We are finishing our  kindergarten mid-year assessment. Most students did well.  I will send home the printout next week. After out testing window closes we will identify the student who qualify for our class 'clubs'. We have an 'ABC Club' for students that passed all the upper and lowercase letter recognition, sounds and writing. 'Numbers Club' for students that passed off recognizing and writing numbers to 30. And a 'sight Word Readers Club' for students that have mastered at least 25 kindergarten sight words. Those students earn a certificate and will write their name on our class poster. They will also be recognized at our next school flag ceremony.
Remember monthly skills sheets and reading calendars are part of homework.
Make sure students are dressed for the cold weather. If they are missing a coat or jacket we are getting quite a collection in our classroom.