Sunday, February 27, 2011

We are already to March, and we have a lot of things going on this month:
Literacy: We are working on beginning, middle, and ending sounds. Reading the kindergarten sight words (students need to have at least 25 mastered in Kindergarten). We have started the ABC Club and Sight Word Readers Club. When students have passed off all the requirements they can earn a certificate, a taco from Del Taco and a candy bar from me! They also get to be recognized at our school assembly and have their names on a poster in the hall.
Math: Recognizing and writing numbers to 30. Counting to 80. Counting in Spanish. Addition to 5.
Writing: Writing all the sounds we hear in words. Using 3 things good writers use (uppercase at the beginning, spaces between words, punctuation at the end of sentences). Remembering to use the lines and spaces on our paper, and practicing our best handwriting.
Social Studies: Weather, Dr. Seuss’s birthday, whales, ocean.
Other important information:
• Remember to return the reading calendar, golden sneaker calendar, and skills sheet.
• Students are getting super sloppy with homework. I am reminding them at school that homework is to practice their BEST work. Please remind them at home too.
• Sight Word list 5 is now what you should be working on. Please try to get caught up!
• If your child is absent call the office. I cannot excuse them!
• Sep’s will be the week of March 7-11. School will be out early every day. We will not have centers that week. Sign and return the SEP form. Please remember your appointment time. I will try to stay on schedule!
• Monday, February 28 is McDonald’s night. Come to McDonald’s and see the teachers from East Elementary working the counter!
• March 15 is Kindergarten registration 11:00-3:00. If you have friends or neighbors with a Kindergartener next year please pass the word.
• If you can donate to our theme basket, we are assigned “Disney”.

If you have any questions please call me 586-2840.
Mrs. Jones


We are already to March, and we have a lot of things going on this month:

Literacy: We are working on beginning, middle, and ending sounds. Reading the kindergarten sight words (students need to have at least 25 mastered in Kindergarten). We have started the ABC Club and Sight Word Readers Club. When students have passed off all the requirements they can earn a certificate, a taco from Del Taco and a candy bar from me! They also get to be recognized at our school assembly and have their names on a poster in the hall.

Math: Recognizing and writing numbers to 30. Counting to 80. Counting in Spanish. Addition to 5.

Writing: Writing all the sounds we hear in words. Using 3 things good writers use (uppercase at the beginning, spaces between words, punctuation at the end of sentences). Remembering to use the lines and spaces on our paper, and practicing our best handwriting.

Social Studies: Weather, Dr. Seuss’s birthday, whales, ocean.

Other important information:

· Remember to return the reading calendar, golden sneaker calendar, and skills sheet.

· Students are getting super sloppy with homework. I am reminding them at school that homework is to practice their BEST work. Please remind them at home too.

· Sight Word list 5 is now what you should be working on. Please try to get caught up!

· If your child is absent call the office. I cannot excuse them!

· Sep’s will be the week of March 7-11. School will be out early every day. We will not have centers that week. Sign and return the SEP form. Please remember your appointment time. I will try to stay on schedule!

· Monday, February 28 is McDonald’s night. Come to McDonald’s and see the teachers from East Elementary working the counter!

· March 15 is Kindergarten registration 11:00-3:00. If you have friends or neighbors with a Kindergartener next year please pass the word.

· If you can donate to our theme basket, we are assigned “Disney”.

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If you have any questions please call me 586-2840.

Mrs. Jones