Sunday, October 30, 2011


It was fun to see so many kindergarten spooks at the Halloween Carnival. Thanks for coming to support our school.

Now we are on to November!

Some of the happenings this month are:
Bus Safety fieldtrip (ie the bus is coming to US not us going to the bus garage!--but we will still learn about bus safety) is on Tuesday November 1.
McDonald's Night (where you get to come stand in line at McDonalds and see the teachers working behind the counter! It's super busy but a lot of fun. It is an awesome fundraiser for our school since McDonalds gives 1/2 the money earned-not including the drive-through-to our school during that block of time) Monday Nov. 7.
Thanksgiving Break -I know, right? We're really talking about this already???! November 23-27
Our read-a-thon will be the 2nd week of Dec. Remember you need to have a special book bag or box for the books.
Progress reports will come home by the end of the week. Look them over with your child and send back the signed attached note.
Volunteers---Please start coming to our classroom now! We will use you for art, fluency folders, reading and any other thing I think of on the spur of the moment! We need help for 30 minutes at 10:45 (morning class) and 2:45 (afternoon class)

Some of the things we will talk about this month:
Literacy: recognizing all the upper and lower case letters. Knowing all their sounds. Rhyming words and beginning sounds in words.
Math: patterns (a,b, and a,b,c). Counting to 20, 30, 40. Identifying calendar days and months. Using tally marks to represent numbers.
Social Studies: Thanksgiving, scarecrows, harvest, fall.

I will post the next sight word list (list 3) when I remember! (soon)

Our next book order will come home this week. Take a look at the great selections. This will be our last book order before Christmas and will include Nov. and Dec. Remember books make great gifts!

Return the reading calendar. Students can earn a free personal pizza from Pizza Hut this month if they meet the reading goal!

Congratulations to Malachi and Cougar for being amazing students this month! They are our "Catch the Vision" winners! Way to go!!

Pumpkin Patch--I wish I could add all the cuties here but I can't post that many pictures! Take a look as some of these perfect pumpkins...

Afternoon Class


Addison, after hiking the patch over and over to find the perfect pumpkin!

McKinley who knew exactly what she was looking for and wouldn't quit until she found it!



The morning class




Malachi and Alec our official "climb under the bus and retrieve all the pumpkins" boys!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

October Sight Words


Fall Fun

Okay....I know October is almost over. Wow! The year is flying by. I will update with the new monthly sight words, some cute pics of our pumpkin patch field trip, and info you will need for the upcoming month. Please plan to check back often. My plan is to post each Wednesday. Feel free to comment or email me any questions you have. Thanks for sharing your cuties with me. I love spending my days with them!