Friday, February 28, 2014


This has been a busy month! We have been testing and reading and writing and testing and reading and coloring and reading and writing and learning........whew!

For the next couple of weeks we will finish up our Patriotic Symbols unit, talk about the weather (graphing lion/lamb weather), St. Patrick's Day, and Dr. Seuss.

Spring is just around the corner and students are already getting antsy---maybe the teachers are too! We have a lot of fun things planned and many more that we're trying to get to.

In math we are still working on numbers to 20, adding one more, lesser, fewer, greater, more than equal to. I hope to finish chapters 3 and 4 next week. I will send home the practice-at-home pages that go with each chapter we have finished so far. They can stay at home. They are just for reinforcement and don't need to come back to school.

Centers are going great! I am so appreciative of you parents that are willing and able to come in and help. We couldn't have centers without you. We have some fun Dr. Seuss activities planned after next week. It should be a great time in centers!

Spring Pictures will be on Friday, March 14. Only the students that pay for a packet will have their pictures taken. As always, if the students want to bring one to me I love to hang them in my office window!

We haven't had much success with our news this year. Students have assigned news days. They are asked to bring in something they can share with the class. If it is printed off the computer or cut out of the newspaper (or written/illustrated by the student) it's great. It gives them something to look at as a prompt for sharing their news as well as something we can hang on our "Good News" board to reference. DON'T THINK IF YOU DON'T HELP THEM THEY AREN'T SHARING!!!!!! Students want the opportunity to have their "5 minutes of glory". They will tell all kinds of things (that you probably don't want them to say) if you aren't helping them be prepared for their news day. Please make an effort to follow through with news days. They are assigned as follows according to FIRST names:
Tuesday D-J
Wednesday K-M
Thursday N-S
Friday T-Z

As you know, next week is our SEP week. Teachers have coordinated together as much as possible to put siblings appointments back to back. I will try desperately to stay on schedule, however, with 51 students I have 14-16 a day! Please try to be on time. They are only 15 minutes and when I get behind it throws off other teachers as well. Several students have not returned their note confirming the appointment. I am assuming unless I hear otherwise that you are coming. If you need to reschedule text me or email so we can set a date.

I am really looking forward to meeting with each of you. I have spent several hours this last week preparing for the conferences. As I pull out each child's folder and look at each student's work I get a smile on my face. They are unique and special. I love every one of them. I am so pleased and impressed with the growth I have seen this year. I love to hear them read, I love to see their writing. They are confident, happy, and smart! We have a great classroom community and I enjoy watching their friendships, problem solving, and developing skills each day. I consider myself so blessed to be able to spend my day with them.

Looking ahead.........
Tuesday, March 11  Dr. Seuss Day-Much more information will come home about this special day, however, we will read Dr. Seuss books, wear pajamas, and have several activities that day to celebrate.
Friday, March 14 Spring pictures and end of 3rd term.
Monday, March 17 St. Patrick's Day- Don't forget to wear green! This will be another day of celebrating with special activities and a fun art project.
Tuesday, March 25 KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION  12:00-3:00 if you know anyone with a kindergartener next year please let them know. It is important to get as many incoming students registered as possible. It really helps in planning for the upcoming year.
Thursday, March 27 Science Fair/Art Show 6:00
Friday, March 28 AR assembly. Many students will receive awards for ABC Club, Sight Word Reader Club, and Number Club. To qualify students must have passed those sections on the last assessment. We will continue to assess and add new students each month. Our goal is to have 100 % of the students in each club! We can do it!

We have had an outbreak of pink eye in our school. If your child has any symptoms (redness, itchiness, gritty feeling, swelling) please have them checked. It is highly contagious and we are trying to squash it!

Thank you so much for all you do. I am so blessed to work with such amazing students and I appreciate your help and support. I look forward to visiting with each of you next week!

Here's a look back on the last month:

Happy, happy 100's Day!
counting, sorting, counting, eating, counting.....

Passing out Valentine's during our class party.

A visit from the Dentist

self portraits of 100 year olds!