Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Merry Merry December

The winter chill is upon us and we are hard at work indoors getting ready for the Christmas break.

Sight Word List #4 has been sent home. Please help your child practice the sight words each night as part of their daily reading. They should be ready to pass off the yellow list by the first week of January when we come back.

There are still some students not wearing jackets to school. The weather is FREEZING and dangerously cold without proper protection. Make sure they have a coat on when they come to school. If you think your child's coat or jacket is missing you may consider checking in our classroom. We have 13 (last count) that are left here and need an owner.

We are working on our "Super Secret Christmas Gift". We will have them finished and ready to bring home by next week. If your child has not earned $1.50 please give them a small job so they can bring the money.

Our class T-shirts finally came! They are adorable-I hope you all love them as much as I do! Thank you for supporting our class, every student was able to get a T-shirt. They were so cute wearing them on the fieldtrip. We had several comments and compliments!

Over the next couple of weeks we will be working a lot on writing. A "special elf" will be visiting our classroom and we will make a book about his antics. We will also be talking about holidays, traditions, numbers to 20 (practice writing them at home) and sight words.

Now that the students are getting more confident in their handwriting (especially their name) they are getting lazy and sloppy. I tell them; "if they practice sloppy they'll be good at sloppy. If they practice neat they'll be good at neat". Please encourage them to do their best on ALL their work. We will practice numbers to 20 and last names for the next few homework days.

Our class read-a-thon is next Wednesday, December 18. Students are allowed to wear their pajamas to school that day and bring a small treat and a drink along with the books we have made in class with the purple school house stamp. They are the only books allowed for the read-a-thon! Hopefully all students have a special book bag or box and have been keeping their books safe to bring on this fun day.

We will be out of school beginning December 20 and return January 6. When we come back in January we will have a special week of sharing. FOR THAT WEEK ONLY students are allowed to bring a special news (a toy or gift) they got for Christmas. IT IS THE ONLY TIME TOYS ARE ALLOWED TO COME TO SCHOOL!  If they miss their news day they will not be allowed to make it up.

We will not have centers after Monday, December 16 until we come back from Christmas break. Thank you so much for volunteering in our classroom. We could not have centers without your help.

If you ordered books from the book order they are here and can be picked up in my office. If you would like me to send them home with your child email or text me. (cell 435.463.1170)

 cleaning the tables with shaving cream!
 of course we had to play in it "a little!"
 We also practiced writing sight words and numbers

 making paper chains to countdown for Christmas
 They were sooo loooong!

 We used our good gluing skills, counting and making a pattern

 Going to the airport to meet the Santa Flight
 We were all so excited and eager to see the airplanes....and Santa!
 ....for about 3 minutes!
 then it got WAY TOO COLD!
 We shut the door of the hangar and played around inside until the last plane arrived
 Here comes Santa Claus!
 We waited patiently with our red noses
 cold toes,
 and frosty smiles

 Santa was in plane number 15

 When they finally came to a stop we watched him get off with his fellow passengers

 They stopped for a quick "hello" then we headed back to the school where it was warmer!

They gave us all a candy cane before we left

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Happy Fall Y'all!

Sorry it's been so long since I've given any update. We are moving right along and staying super busy!
With fall comes unpredictable weather. Please send a jacket or coat every day. Sandals or shorts are no longer appropriate. If your child is sick, please send me a text or email. You are also responsible for calling the office. I cannot excuse students-only the secretary can do that. If your child has a deep cough, a fever, or a green runny nose, please do not let them come to school and spread germs. We use hand sanitizer liberally and try to keep everyone as healthy as possible!

Some of the things we are working on this month are:
math: writing numbers 0-10, using 5 frames and looking at different ways to make 5. We are making an ABC pattern (ask your child what it is) and learning what comes before and after any number within 10.
writing: writing all the letters, uppercase and lowercase starting at the TOP! Have your child sing the song for you. We are also trying really hard to use the lines and spaces in writing to help our letters look neat and uniform. "Remember if you practice sloppy you'll be good at sloppy. If you practice neat you'll be good at neat!" You may see several homework pages come home for reworking. I have been trying to keep caught up with them in school. Students are getting faster, more comfortable and sloppier in their work (it always happens this time of year) so I am sending them home to be fixed.  I am getting more strict and holding them accountable so they will produce work they and I will be proud of. Please support me in this effort. It will take you sitting with them while they write. encouraging them to do their best (including their name), reminding them to start at the top, using the lines, writing at least 5 best on each line, sitting at a clean, quiet place, sitting up straight, and using their free hand to stabilize the paper. We will continue to work on writing all year. It is sort-of my soap-box (if you didn't notice). Thank you in advance for your help, and supporting your child in their school work.
literacy: along with writing the letters we are working hard on the sounds they make. For the next 2 weeks in centers we are looking at beginning sounds. We've also been working on beginning sounds since school started as we learn each alphabet letter. We have been clapping syllables in words (practice at home!) and listening to all the sounds we hear as we read words in class.
social studies: We have been learning the Thanksgiving story. It's hard for children to imagine a world without all the electronic devices we have readily available. They don't understand the pilgrims had to build homes, grow food, and work for basic survival. They couldn't run to Walmart. We have been comparing Thanksgiving in 1620 and Thanksgiving now. Not having cars, telephones and internet are hard concepts for five year olds. We will continue to talk about Thanksgiving as well as fall, harvest time, seasons (briefly) family, and holidays.

As we move into the holidays and a very busy time of year, I want to give you a heads up of our calendar.
Friday, November 15 is picture make-up day. If your child was absent, is new or you wish to have retakes please send back the picture envelope by Friday.
Monday-Tuesday November 18,19. I will be out of town. We will have a substitute those days. I try to give the students plenty of notice when I will be absent. Sometimes it causes a little stress. Hopefully things will run smoothly and  they can be good helpers.
Friday November 22 is Flag Ceremony (our awards assembly) It is at 10:00 this month if  you are interested in coming. I will notify the parents of  the students receiving the "catch the vision" award.
Wednesday-Friday, November 27-29 is Thanksgiving Break. Please have a happy, safe holiday.

Starting in December we will be making a "secret Christmas gift" for our families. Each student needs to earn $1.50 to pay for the gift. Please give them a job they can do to earn the money. I will send home a note about it after Thanksgiving.

Our next book order is due Wednesday, November 20. It will be the last book order before Christmas. Remember books make great gifts. If you would like me to hold your order and notify you when it comes send a note in your child's folder.

Our class T-shirt order has not been forgotten! I have called the company a couple of times but didn't reach them. I finally got a hold of them last Thursday. They are swamped right now with all the back to school orders. Turn around time is about 6 weeks. Our order should be filled by Thanksgiving, but they are not promising. In the past they have been very 'generous' in their time predictions. We have received our order before they said. So I anticipate the same. Plan on our shirts around Thanksgiving time.

Reading folders are due back every Monday. Please read each night with your child. It is the single most important thing you can do to help them be successful in school. I feel like I really preach about it, but it is something I firmly believe in. I understand schedules are busy and lives are hectic. Please take 15 minutes 4 days a week to show your child you value reading and want them to be good readers as well.

Wednesday is library day. Books can be returned to class any day, but we only check out new books on Wednesdays.

The ziplock baggie (book in a bag) will usually come home on Friday or Monday. They are due back after you read them. Don't forget to initial the enclosed paper next to the title of the book.

Also, just a heads-up for the pm parents. On Tuesday, December 10 we have a very special activity planned school wide. It will be in the morning. All pm students are invited and encouraged to come to school with the am class that day. More info will come home in the next few weeks, but tentatively calendar that day.

Finally, as we go into the holiday season and I reflect on the things I am most grateful for, I have to say I am grateful for my family. They mean the world to me. I have three beautiful daughters, three amazing son-in-laws, a great husband and five adorable grandchildren. I am thankful to live in this fun city where I can go uptown and run into so many people I know and feel comfortable and safe wherever I am. I am grateful for a supreme being that has so much influence in my life. I am grateful for my classroom and the amazing group of students I get to spend each day with. I love them so much and look forward to seeing their smiling faces, their bright eyes, the wonder in their gazes and the anticipation of each new day. They have such enthusiasm and boundless energy. I feel old when I can't keep up, yet young when caught up in their excitement. I am grateful they can keep me grounded yet let me experience a whole new world every moment I am with them. I am so grateful to each of you. I appreciate your support, I respect your efforts, I acknowledge your great work. Thank you for trusting me with your most prized children. I love spending my days with them, learning from them, and celebrating the aha moments that a only a teacher can have. I am in the greatest profession in the world, and I love it!

Sorry all the pictures this time are from the afternoon class.

 Red Ribbon Week
 We pledged to be 'drug-free' then went out on the lawn as a school and let our balloons go.
 watching the "teachers vs. 5th graders soccer game
 we loved it for about 15 minutes! then it was a little boring just sitting there being the audience
 the teachers creamed the 5th graders.