Tuesday, August 28, 2012

First Day Fun!

We had a fabulous first day! Of course, we didn't get to do all the fun things planned, but the lucky part is.... we get to come back tomorrow!!!

I have the most awesome group of Kindergartners this year. As I was reading a story at the end of the day I looked around at the students. It didn't even feel like the first day of school. It felt like we had always been there. I can only hope the rest of the year is as smooth!

Thank you to all the parents that signed up to help in our classroom. We will start centers around the first week of October. Watch for more info then.

Reading folders will come home next week. Remember to return them only on Mondays (or Tuesday if a school holiday falls on Monday).

Our first homework will come home tomorrow (Wednesday).  Please make sure your child is using correct handwriting; including starting at the top and uppercase and lowercase letters.

Wednesday is our early-out day. School will be from 8:55-10:55 or 11:30-1:30.

PE and Music are on Thursdays. Our PE teacher would like the students to wear appropriate PE clothing and shoes.

If you haven't sent the 1 1/2" binders with the zipper pouch and sheet protectors please get those in by Friday. We will use them starting next Tuesday.

Finally, I would like to extend a heartfelt thank-you to Jen Strand for all her help getting my classroom ready. She jumped back into "teacher mode" and helped with last minute things so I could be prepared for today. She is amazing and even brought me a yummy treat the first day!

Take a look at some of our super cute first day-ers!
Please email me or comment if you have read this.


Friday, August 24, 2012

All of our assessments are done! I am SO excited to have such smart, cute students this year. Thank you all for keeping your appointment times and coming in to visit with me.

We will start school on Tuesday, August 28. I can hardly wait!

If you didn't bring supplies and money to the assessment it would be great if your could drop it off Friday or Monday. It will make Tuesday much smoother.

I am looking forward to working with all of you this year, and especially getting to know your children. Thank you for sharing them with me!

Let's have a fantastic year!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Welcome to Kindergarten 2012!

I am SOOOO excited for school to start. I always look forward to a new year, new students, new adventures, and lots of learning, laughing, and loving.

Welcome aboard with me. Please feel free to come to our classroom at any time, and always contact me with questions, concerns, or great happenings! Let's have a fantastic year!