Sunday, April 19, 2015

Almost there!........

The Last of First is here! I seriously can't believe we are to May!!! There are a lot of things we will finish up before school is over. Here is a rundown of what's coming up, as well as what's been going on.

Friday, April 24 is our Farm Fieldtrip. We are going to Staheli Farm in Washington Fields. We will leave the school at 9:00 and return at 2:15. Students need to wear appropriate clothing. I want all students to wear our class T-shirts. This is a real, working farm! Students that are bringing home lunch need to remember our "Peanut Free" classroom rule.

We will finish our GoMath! book on Thursday, April 23. We have extension activities we will do in class to get us ready for 2nd grade. There will not be GoMath! homework....unless I come up with something special to work on for the last few weeks of school!

Our last day of reading groups will be Thursday, April 30. We will be getting ready for our final DIBELS test.

The last day of library is Monday, May 4. ALL library books need to be returned by then so Mrs. Autrey can do inventory.

Our DIBELS test is on Thursday, May 7. I feel students are well prepared. I am excited to see the growth they've made this year show up on the assessment.

We will not need moms to help in our classroom after Friday, May 8. I am so grateful for the help and support you have given this year. Thank you for coming in each week. Thank you for helping the students and me as we have learned and figured out first grade together! You can't possibly know how much I appreciate you. Please know of my gratitude and thankfulness in getting to know each of you as well as your children. I am so blessed to have such an amazing group of people to work with!!

Some final dates I will need to get to you are Spring Arts Night, Field Day, and probably several others! The last day of school is Friday, May 22. We will get out of school at 2:30.

Just thinking about the students leaving makes me tear up. I have LOVED this year. It has been remarkable! ....and it has gone by so fast!! Your children are amazing. I hope they will remember and cherish the memories of first grade as I will. The bonds that have formed in our classroom family are strong. Your children are incredible! Thank you for trusting me this year, especially as it is my first year in first grade. I pinch myself every day that I am able to spend my day with the cutest kids in the world and call it my job! I am so lucky!!!

Some of our fun moments.....

 100 days of learning and fun!
 Science: watching shadows
 Reading, reading, reading, reading!
 painting pet rocks


Darling Model Mustangs! Congratulations Taytem and Isaac!
 We've been talking about soil in science. Ask your little scientist about the things in soil. You might be amazed to find out the dirt on dirt!