Monday, October 14, 2013

Pumpkin Patch

We had a great time at the pumpkin patch field trip today! Thank you so much to all the parents and grandparents that went with us!!
 Jaxon and Mason with their perfect pumpkins!
 a.m. class
 a.m. class
 all the a.m. kindergarten getting their pumpkins off the bus

 p.m. class at the pumpkin patch

Remember we only have school Monday-Wednesday this week. We will be out for Harvest Holiday Thursday-Monday. School will resume Tuesday, October 22. Homework will be only on Tuesday this week (letter "M").

Reading folders are due back on Mondays. Library books are due on Wednesdays, and the ziplock baggie book is due back after you read it and sign the paper.

We've had a slow start on our news reporting. Students are not allowed to bring toys. News days are assigned as follows:
Students whose first name begins with:
Monday A-C
Tuesday D-J
Wednesday K-M
Thursday N-S
Friday T-Z

We have now made several books for our read-a-thon. A lot of students said they don't have a "special book bag or box" to keep them in at home. Please make sure those books are in a safe place. I want all students to be able to participate in a month when we read them.

Now the weather is turning colder, please be sure to  dress your children for the season. Also, add names to jackets. We have some that look alike and sometimes students don't know which one is theirs. Last year I had 13 jackets left here that no one claimed (we used 3 of them today for the fieldtrip---thanks last years Kindergarten!)

Progress reports will be coming home next week. Please look them over with your child and sign/return the attached note.

Thanks for all you do to help your children be successful in school. I love them all so much and appreciate each of you.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Here's the pictures I promised.
 Walking to the Canyon Park for our "Evacuation Drill"

 Taking "roll" at the park
 P.M. class walking to the Canyon Park

 Our amazing friend "Zero the Hero" who helps us know all about his favorite number-0!

 This is an activity we did with "alliteration"