Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Welcome to Kindergarten!
I am so excited this day has finally come. We've been waiting so long to get started.
Despite a few tears, and nervous beginnings, we had a great first day! Thank you so much for helping make it a smooth beginning. I sincerely appreciate all the donations of supplies and extras for our classroom. It helps more than you know.
I am looking forward to working with each of you, and getting to know your children better. I already love them and anticipate a great year.
Please feel welcome to stop by our classroom any time. We love having parents in our room and always want to show off all the great things we're doing.
If you have family members that want to be included on the email list, send me a note and I will add them.
Next week I will post the homework, sight words, and news letter for September. For now, here's a look at our fun first day!



We read the story "The Kissing Hand" by Audrey Penn then made this cute craftivity to help us remember that our parent's love will always go with us, and we don't need to be nervous at school.    

Wednesday is our early-out day. A.M. class is from 8:55-10:55. P.M. class is from 11:30-1:30. We also have library on Wednesdays. We won't be checking out any books for a couple of weeks. We will learn the procedure and library rules.
Please feel free to leave comments, or email/text me if you have any questions. (435.463.1170)