Sunday, October 31, 2010


Welcome to Kindergarten, and welcome to East Elementary! We are ready for our first week. The students are excited about school, eager to learn, darling, and overall well prepared for school. Thank you, parents for helping them get to this point! I am looking forward to getting to know each of you better. I am even more excited to get to know your cute Kindergarteners! Here are some of the things we will be talking about for the next couple of weeks:

Literacy: Uppercase letters and the letters in our names. Understanding the difference between a “word” and a “letter”

Math: Recognizing and writing numbers to 10. Colors and shapes.

Writing: Writing our names with uppercase at the beginning and lowercase for the rest. Starting every letter AT THE TOP everytime! Writing all the uppercase letters.

Social Studies: All About Me. We will talk about our wonderful selves,
families, pets, homes, friends, and favorite things.

Other important information:
• Reading folders need to be returned every Monday.
• 200 E is for bus loading only. Parents need to pick up students outside our kindergarten door.
• Centers will start the first of October. We still need several parent volunteers. We could use some help on Mondays (we also need a reading mom)and Fridays (a.m. 10:00-10:30)and Tuesdays (p.m. 2:00-2:30) Reading moms please start on Sept. 13.
• Library is every Monday. Remember to return books then.
• Every Wednesday is early out. Morning will dismiss at 10:40. Afternoon will begin at 11:45 and dismiss at 1:30.
• Remember snack each month.
• If your child will be absent please call the office to excuse them.

Thank you all for coming to our Kindergarten pre-assessment. It was good to meet all of you. If you have any questions please call me. 586-2840
Mrs. Jones

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